Hearing Loss and Connectivity
At New York Speech and Hearing, we have been working diligently over the past number of months to construct a new, easy-to-navigate website where information is accessible and connectivity is key. Because we strive to educate and support those who could benefit, the real challenge was developing an easier means of connecting . The realization that we, as providers of communication services, may not be as accessible as we would like to be was enough of a motivator for us to rectify the situation and make this a priority.
It did get us thinking: how important is connectivity? How important is it for us to be connected in our everyday lives?
Our immediate universe requires connections to our closest family members: our spouse, our parent(s), our brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. And then there are our close friends, the ones we share our everyday experiences with and are invited into our close lives. We have our connections at work, at our favorite coffeehouse, and all the other stops we make on a regular basis. We maintain relationships and connections to the family members or friends who live states and oceans away. We communicate via phone, Skype/Facetime, emails, and text messages, among others. Near or far, we are connected!
Our need for connectivity on a more global level manifests through the information we seek. Now we are just a few clicks away from educating ourselves about politics, geography, history or healthcare. We gain new insights through the experiences of people we have never met; we can connect with groups of strangers for support or assistance just with a few strokes of our keyboards. Connectivity has taken on a much more global meaning these days – allowing our loved ones, new networks, information, and self-improvement to be much more accessible on a regular basis.
So how important is connectivity? More than ever, being connected is essential to survive. Our connectivity keeps our loved ones close, our experiences vital, helps us to grow, thrive and survive through all circumstances.
What fuels connectivity? Communication. A breakdown in communication – such as a hearing loss – will translate into broken connections, which will have a trickle down effect on our quality of life. To ensure that all lines of connectivity are open, make sure the pathway for communication is open and unobstructed.
It is only when being connected and accessible that we can be open to growth, people and love. That’s what living with quality truly is. Connectivity is an essential factor in this; communication is the means by which to get there.