
Hearing Loss, Hearing Aids, & the U.S. Presidency

Hearing: one of the most important skills we need to be able to engage in conversation, to understand, to express ourselves and to ensure that our message is being communicated and understood. A hearing loss will interrupt that cycle, making it difficult to thrive in our relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. The presence of a hearing loss can make it difficult to work and to complete business, to enjoy our most loved activities, and to participate in our relationships with those who matter in our lives. The irony is, though having a hearing loss is a signifiant handicap, fewer than 30% of individuals who have hearing loss pursue treatment and wear hearing aids. Many people do not want to wear hearing aids, and their reasons range from not being able to truly identify that there is a hearing loss to the perceived social stigma often associated with the devices.
We should be able to look to our leaders for guidance in many ways. On this week commemorating the 45 people who were elected to lead our great nation, we can look towards many of those who led the United States of America successfully despite having a hearing loss. These fearless and strong leaders identified how important it was to treat the hearing loss – and got fitted with hearing aids so that there was no issue with hearing, understanding, and communicating. The treatment of their hearing loss helped them to continue on and thrive as leaders.
Other U.S Presidents became known hearing healthcare advocates, acknowledging the importance of hearing and communication function in our everyday lives. We salute all the U.S. Presidents this week, but we pay special homage to those who have helped to improve hearing healthcare awareness – through either public policy and changes, or through their own personal hearing healthcare treatment process.
Interesting Hearing Healthcare Presidential Facts:
When it comes time to decide if treating a hearing loss with hearing aids is right for you, remember that our most esteemed leaders were often in the same position. They have set the stage for us all to accept a hearing loss, pursue treatment, and therefore be able to continue our journey on reaching our greatest heights.